Data Commons: Organizing the World's Public Data with Jehangir Amjad
Please join us for our next event -- Listen. Engage. Connect. -- Data Commons: Organizing the World's Public Data with Jehangir Amjad- on Thursday, May 9 from 4pm to 5pm in Sequoia 200.
Light refreshments will be provided.
About our guest: Jehangir is a Software Engineer at Google where he is currently working on open-source data projects with the Data Commons team. His work lies at the intersection of large-scale data processing, machine learning, and statistics. Jehangir also serves as an Adjunct Lecturer at Stanford for CS 221 (Summer 2023) and CS 229 (Summer 2024). Previously, he was a Lecturer of Machine Learning in CSAIL at MIT, where he taught Introduction to Machine Learning. Jehangir holds a B.S.E in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University and a PhD from MIT.
Want to take Jehangir to coffee? Sign up now!