Listen. Engage. Connect. With McKenna Thomas-Franz, Data Scientist with the NSA!
Join us for the kickoff of our new speaker series -- Listen. Engage. Connect. -- with McKenna Thomas-Franz, Data Scientist with the NSA!
About our guest: McKenna Thomas-Franz is a Data Scientist at the National Security Agency (NSA). She is a recent graduate of NSA’s Data Science Developmental Program, where she completed work rotations analyzing trends in adversarial technology use, studying user influence campaigns, and developing countering technologies alongside universities and foreign partners, and served as a data science liaison to Communications Security Establishment Canada. McKenna graduated Bowdoin College, with degrees in neuroscience and computer science and was extensively involved in Bowdoin’s Digital and Computational Studies Department, whose curriculum seeks to combine data science techniques and data-driven design with challenges in the liberal arts. She currently serves as a data science lead for different NSA policymakers and regional strategic teams.